Fri. Oct 18th, 2024
Debt Collection Lawyer


Our attorneys help business creditors turn overdue accounts into money for their businesses. They use all legal tools available to them, including obtaining legal judgments that allow them to garnish wages, levy bank accounts and place liens on property.

Debt collectors are regulated by law and must remain in compliance with federal regulations. For example, they are not allowed to contact you at unusual times or leave voice mail messages that are abusive or false.

Representation in Litigation

When a business is not paid for the goods it sells or services it provides, its operations are put at risk. It may not be able to pay its bills, employees, suppliers and other business partners. It may not be able to buy the equipment and supplies it needs to grow or to take on more work. It may face legal liability if it signed a contract with a customer that required a personal guarantee from its owners.

Debt collection lawyers can help turn outstanding debts into available cash for a company. They are knowledgeable of the laws that govern collections practices, including the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act at the federal level and New Jersey’s state law on the subject.

Using a debt collection attorney to collect on a debt can also save money for the lender. A lawyer has access to many more tools than a collections agency, including legal judgments that allow wage executions, bank levies and liens on property.


In the American capitalist economic system, businesses must be paid for goods and services that they produce or work that they perform. If a debtor fails to pay a valid debt, that deprives the business of the remuneration it earned and can lead to financial hardship and loss of valuable assets.

Collection law firms and judgment creditors use many legal tools to collect on debts, including wage garnishments, liens on property, bank levies, writs of execution and seizures of assets. However, such actions often run afoul of federal and state consumer protection laws and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).

Our attorneys work with clients to help them develop and implement debt collection strategies that comply with FDCPA and other applicable legal regulations. This may include mediation. Mediation is a process in which an impartial person, called a mediator, helps disputing parties come to a mutually acceptable resolution to their dispute. In most cases, this is done without the participants going to court.


Lead Counsel independently verifies New Jersey Debt Collection Attorneys, verifying that they practice in the areas of law that they claim to and are in good standing with their bar associations. They have extensive experience in debt collections, serving clients throughout New Jersey, including Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris and Union Counties, as well as the greater NYC area.

While most debt collectors follow the rules, there are some who violate them and use abusive tactics to coerce you into making payments you can’t afford. When this happens, a debt collector can be sued for violating the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Additionally, if a creditor sues you for nonpayment and doesn’t follow debt verification procedures that your lawyer has asked them to do, you can file a counterclaim seeking damages. A debt Collection Lawyer in New Jersey can also help you with post-judgment collection procedures like bank levies and judgment liens. These are handled by sheriffs and banks, but there are legal considerations that need to be addressed before this happens.


If your business is involved in debt collection, it’s important to understand that you face serious penalties if you violate federal and state consumer protection laws. In addition to monetary liability, you can damage your reputation and lose valuable clients.

A debt collection lawyer can help you navigate these complex issues. For example, federal law requires debt collectors to make full and accurate initial disclosures when they first contact you. These include disclosing the name and address of the debt collector, the purpose of the collection, the amount you owe and your right to dispute any or all of this information.

The FDCPA also prohibits debt collectors from calling you at a time or place that is inconvenient or annoys you. In New Jersey, this includes calling you at work unless your employer has expressly permitted it. A debt collection lawyer can help you defend your rights against abusive collections practices.

How a Debt Collection Lawyer Can Help Your Business Our attorneys help business creditors turn overdue accounts into money for their businesses. They use all legal tools available to them, including obtaining legal judgments that allow them to garnish wages, levy bank accounts and place liens on property. Debt collectors are regulated by law and must remain in compliance with federal regulations. For example, they are not allowed to contact you at unusual times or leave voice mail messages that are abusive or false. Representation in Litigation When a business is not paid for the goods it sells or services it provides, its operations are put at risk. It may not be able to pay its bills, employees, suppliers and other business partners. It may not be able to buy the equipment and supplies it needs to grow or to take on more work. It may face legal liability if it signed a contract with a customer that required a personal guarantee from its owners. Debt collection lawyers can help turn outstanding debts into available cash for a company. They are knowledgeable of the laws that govern collections practices, including the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act at the federal level and New Jersey’s state law on the subject. Using a debt collection attorney to collect on a debt can also save money for the lender. A lawyer has access to many more tools than a collections agency, including legal judgments that allow wage executions, bank levies and liens on property. Mediation In the American capitalist economic system, businesses must be paid for goods and services that they produce or work that they perform. If a debtor fails to pay a valid debt, that deprives the business of the remuneration it earned and can lead to financial hardship and loss of valuable assets. Collection law firms and judgment creditors use many legal tools to collect on debts, including wage garnishments, liens on property, bank levies, writs of execution and seizures of assets. However, such actions often run afoul of federal and state consumer protection laws and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Our attorneys work with clients to help them develop and implement debt collection strategies that comply with FDCPA and other applicable legal regulations. This may include mediation. Mediation is a process in which an impartial person, called a mediator, helps disputing parties come to a mutually acceptable resolution to their dispute. In most cases, this is done without the participants going to court. Documentation Lead Counsel independently verifies New Jersey Debt Collection Attorneys, verifying that they practice in the areas of law that they claim to and are in good standing with their bar associations. They have extensive experience in debt collections, serving clients throughout New Jersey, including Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris and Union Counties, as well as the greater NYC area. While most debt collectors follow the rules, there are some who violate them and use abusive tactics to coerce you into making payments you can’t afford. When this happens, a debt collector can be sued for violating the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Additionally, if a creditor sues you for nonpayment and doesn’t follow debt verification procedures that your lawyer has asked them to do, you can file a counterclaim seeking damages. A debt Collection Lawyer in New Jersey can also help you with post-judgment collection procedures like bank levies and judgment liens. These are handled by sheriffs and banks, but there are legal considerations that need to be addressed before this happens. Compliance If your business is involved in debt collection, it’s important to understand that you face serious penalties if you violate federal and state consumer protection laws. In addition to monetary liability, you can damage your reputation and lose valuable clients. A debt collection lawyer can help you navigate these complex issues. For example, federal law requires debt collectors to make full and accurate initial disclosures when they first contact you. These include disclosing the name and address of the debt collector, the purpose of the collection, the amount you owe and your right to dispute any or all of this information. The FDCPA also prohibits debt collectors from calling you at a time or place that is inconvenient or annoys you. In New Jersey, this includes calling you at work unless your employer has expressly permitted it. A debt collection lawyer can help you defend your rights against abusive collections practices.

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